Thank you!

Thank you for participating as a member of the Aloe Availability Information Group!

Because of you and others like you, we are able to sleuth out the very best Aloe products, and acquire them at wholesale to pass along to you at more reasonable prices.

As with any endeavor, the greater the volume, the lower the cost. As this is being written, the member discount is 10%.

Our current goal is to bring the discount up to 25%.
Long term goal: 33%.

What must happen to enable such a deep discount is MUCH MORE VOLUME. Enough to cover all the costs of maintaining the dry lab, getting volume discounts on products and supplies, and having a reliable staff of skilled technicians to package it perfectly for longest-term storage and use.

Also, being completely transparent, it will be nice when we can get a return on our investment. A reasonable profit will guarantee that your sources don’t ‘dry up.’

How you can help.

Tell everyone you know who has health challenges. Even though MOST will reject the idea of enhancing their health through the employment of natural substances rather than toxic pharmaceuticals, the few who listen and take action will be forever grateful.

BiAloe ValueAnd, if you don’t happen to be motivated by altruism, remember that being able to buy your own products with a 25% or 33% discount is much better than paying retail, and far, far, far better than paying some greedy MLM company five times what it is worth–for a good, but not best, product!

Just explain the value of “rocket fuel for the immune system to your friends,” then send them to

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